Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chennai Masala

Introducing CBCNN!!!

No, this is not a new news channel to rival CNNIBN, but a blog dedicated to 'Hindu' bashing. CBCNN expands to Chennai based Chinese National Newspaper and describes 'The Hindu' as a comunist rag and N Ram ,a Chinese mercenary. The blog dubs the paper 'Chindu' and appears to have a heavy right wing leaning, but nevertheless exposes the blatant left leanings and shocking double standards of the paper I once respected. What a fall from grace for the Mount Road Marx.

Potter Mania

If it was Sivaji frenzy last month, Harry potter is this month's media fodder.When I swiched on the TV this morning, all I got was Potter, Potter and more of potter as if nothing else on earth is happening. Agreed, its a book loved by many and the
last in the series is releasing. So what? You dont expect news stations to call up correspondents across the country to ask if the milkman has deliverd milk or newspaper boy has delivered the paper in your area. Do you? Then why do the same for a book release? What is preventing them from just giving the news that the final book is relasing today and is expected to fly off the shelves?Haven't better books ever got released? Did they all get this attention?All this makes me yearn for the good old DD days when news was just that - news.


Mambalam Mani said...

I am glad the potter mania is over. Too much hype.

z said...

i am surprised u bothered to find the blog...anyway not by me...i told that on his face anyway when he called me a right wing idealogue...
see people take positions and that is well known be it newspapers or the television news channels. the question is whether you can find a balance..hope you watched the ramnath goenka...the first comment to ram was that he took political sides..neway the problem of taking sides...ive repeated this a million times..the media has accquired too much of power and influences people to a great extent..not just the educated man(he reads the english paper) BUT EVEN THE NOT SO SAVVY PERSON WHO PICKS UP A vernacular..look at the number of tv channels being launched....same reason..people have started believing the media so much so why not politicians become the media themselves??newschannels and papers can take editorial positions..granted but not positions while reporting.......i might not be a shankaracharya fan or even a believer but i did feel offended when ndtv called him a "godman" rather than a seer especially when everybody knows the context in which the word godman is used.

neway...since you mentioned the hindu i wanted to bring to your attention an interesting aspect in their news especially when it concerns the bjp...maybe you noticed it..have you seen that every bjp report has a lot of "..." words :D....words like "consience vote" or "moral stand"...there are too time just give it a look it is pretty funny.i would like to know why so much it because they want to highlight words used by people or are the "" to make their position clear that they think it is bogus???

MS said...

Its been ages since The Hindu lost its neutrality. And After N Ram stepped in, there isn't a semblence of objectivity. A disproportionate coverage of China, blind opposition to the BJP, a mouth-piece like coverage of the left parties esp the CPI(M), hatred for Bush,Blair and their policies characterize the paper. The editorial pages and the opinion pieces of people like Harish Khare would leave any independent thinker fuming. A paper need not think for its readers. The readers have brains. just present the facts and analyse the issue.The paper need not tell how to interpret an event.

As Abhiram rightly pointed out, papers are entitled to their opinions, but there should not be a deluge of views from one side and a complete blackout of the other view point. sadly, thats what is hapening in the Hindu. Take the Singur issue ,nandigram unrest, the nuclear deal, presidential elections, Sorahbuddin Shiek fake encounter, Tibetian struggle, Chinese democracy,US policies.. and he list is endless.. You just get one view and tehre is an overdoze of it.

I think The Hindu can no longer claim to be a national paper.

MS said...

The Goenka debate was excellent and one could sense ram's discomfort when asked point blank:D
and why were u surprised that I found the CBCNN blog? have u seen it before? do u know the blogger?and... the blog is quite interseting:)-

Asuri Sudarsanan said...

"A paper need not think for its readers. Readers have brains"

Well, when the indian cricket team for the WC was announced, Dinakaran came with the headlines "Moondru tamizhaga veerargaL, ulaga koappai aNiyil": the three were Uthappa, Sreesanth and (KD)Karthik... isn't there any media ombudsman to monitor all these?... these are gross mis-information rather than mere mis-interpretation.

Idealogy of a press is rather forgivable, as compared to explicit political affiliation :P... Binami culture rules India

MS said...

Sooper Sooper ma.. pudiya Dinakaran sooper ma :D

no doubt, ideology of press can be forgiven.. after all this is a land where Sun TV's news is still taken as gospel truth.. However, dont be a propaganda vehicle for some one on the one hand and on the other claim to 'uphold the highest ethics of journalism' and pat yourself on the back for being a paragon of objectivity.

The worst thing is people like Ram with such skewed views are considered 'intellectuals' an dfor that matter the entire left brigade is considered so and anyone with an alternate view is either fascist/communal/anti-democratic/backward-looking.

Mambalam Mani said...

Frankly speaking, Hindu's over- coverage of China did not strike me till you two pointed it out...
Guess you are right (no surprises though)....

MS said...

just read this to understand Ram's collusion with the Chinese establishment.

z said...

i am still surprised why the leftist bias is a suprise to you guys...the guy is an "admirer" of marx in his own words...
@murali: i have seen it earlier but do not know the blogger...i however do think it is a bit over the top...
coming to your idea of intellectuals..let us not blame them...the leftists have worked on getting there over decades...sorry people to the reference to the holy book of a "certain" religion...if it hurts...the left ideology is not different to that of *****...u guys shld get the book called a ******* concept of war by brigadier sk malik...the left uses the same concept...1. capture political space, capture intellectual space, beat up those who oppose...the fourth one i dont remember right now...but anyway this the brig says is the ultimate way to keep people under control...the left if u see does the is just that the others have been idiots not to capture this space.....

i find the indian express...not the one u get here in chennai...atleast i get to read both sides all the time...there are other papers that are balanced but taking the readership are not important.

coming to tibet we screwed up our policy..we have already accepted it as a part of china while they still dispute our was ideal to leverage tibet to play tit for tat....and more than that the reason i feel that way is we are destroyng the uniqueness of cultures...i still remember that one sentence of dr vs ramachandran...the western influence is destroying cultures that they will ultimately be restricted to boxes in museums....not an exact quote but to that effect....also not a debate on whether western influences r bad but just a thought that people are losing their uniqueness..why i say this here because this is what even china is doing in tibet...