I am seriously of the belief that Calvin is the greatest modern philosopher. A couple of comic strips really stood out as to a few issues I have been thinking about. The first of which illustrates as

Isn’t this an epitome of all our ideas as far as the middle and upper middle class goes. We don’t do anything about the situation.. we like to blame everything around us and I have heard a number of people say that is the prime reason they do not want to settle back home in India. That was certainly not in my mind when I came to pursue a postgraduate degree here. The only thing on my mind was a new adventure and exploration of something that I felt I would want to be doing in years to come. When I hear my parents and relatives discussing political situations, road conditions, garbage problems they all get passionate and love blaming every politico in the most horrible way possible. Not to support any of those horrible politicos but are not we equally to blame! We do absolutely nothing about the situation. We apparently have enough to deal with in winng daily bread and watching “saas-bahu” serials be it in hindi or tamil. We cant even get out society organized to clean up the neighbourhood and 75 percent of the people in the neighbourhood would surely crib like hell if any kind of proposal was brought in where they would have to spend some money collectively! The thing with the middle class is that though we advocate capitalism we are all closet socialists who want as many freebees as possible but do not want to be repressed for it.
The other illustration

I saw pirates 3 Spidey 3 and Shrek3 both the three of them on the opening days totally pandering to the Hollywood summer franchising. Now I am a fan of the fantasy franchise and liked all three movies unlike a lot of ppl I dragged along with me. Fortunately no pain was meted out to me for my efforts. Now the thing is that Hollywood just doesn’t know when to kill a successful franchise. All three movies left pace for a fourth to be made. It started with sequels then went to trilogies and now the fashion is just keep going after the star wars thingy. That’s why I like JK Rowlings resolve in maintaining some artistic dignity in completely killing the HP fantasy with the seven books and not returning with HPs repressed son or anything ( in this of-course I am going by her interviews and hopefully she sticks by it!)
Bollywood is gng that way alright and catching on to the marketing strategy required to cash in on the success!
Naah! Spiderman3 sucked like hell. Shrek3 was only half as good as the first two. Pirates 3 was again a shade of the prequels. (Come on, how can the movie be good if Kiera Knightley snatches the screen prescence from Johnny Depp? Savvy?)
As for social reforms, we can go back to India like Rajni does in Sivaji and clean the moral corruptness prevalent in the society......
coolllll :D
ttly kera knitly shld hav been killd in the frst scene.. and those diloges where she tries to inspire the pirate crew..:O giveup da machaan but jonny depps diloges for me were much better written than the second movie.. tht the second movie contrived for jack sparrows humor.. and just to add taunt to u am gng for shivaji tommorow..:D
theres a show in Imax daa in Indy....tkt is 21 but i am willing to go but no company :(
Sivaji in Imax wud be awesome
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