This is one movie that I had been keeping away from. I knew the movie was about Che Guevara one of the revolutionary South American socialists. Too be frank I did not have any interest in learning about why Che revolutionized south America in the fifties and the sixties, along with Fidel Castro specially in a “doccumentry”. I was hence prejudiced about the film and hence did not even care to give it a chance.
Somehow fate brought me together with the film one lonely cold night. It’s a beautiful film and extremely well made and is not an advert to socialism or how Che Guevara brought about a revolution and certainly not a doccumentry. It is about a road trip that Che and his friend took in the early fifties from Argentina to Venezuela right after graduation from medical school. It took them close to 12 months to complete the journey the movie chronicles the events that happen along the way. It’s a very well made movie and extremely touching as well.
I went on to read up on Che Guevara. If you are wondering who this guy is I am sure you must have come across him on the back of some T-shirt sometime in your life and wondered the same then.
This got me thinking about the socialism concept and why it was so required in the fifties in India, South America and any third world country and probably going back a little further the early twenties in Russia. The plight of an overwhelming number of people was really bad as compared to a major few. It was a strong cause for socialism. But my feeling is that neither a purely socialistic society nor a purely capitalistic society would work in a modern economy. That’s why I feel that the Indian constitution was way ahead of its time. But the principles are far from being adopted. The rules are being bent so as to help causes such as Murli wrote home about! We need some sort of revolutions and some foresighted people to rally around what our constitution really is about!
Che was assassinated by the CIA sometime in 1967 because the Americans where shit scared of his revolutionary ideas, the way he was implementing them and of course the fact that he was a proclaimed socialist. I can never understand the fear of the American politicos on this and why they have tried and keep trying to twist socialist countries.
Have seen that shirt so many times. I thought that guy was some rock star :D
thats what a lot of ppl would think da.. that foto by the by i think has been voted as the most famoust foto taken during the 30th century or somethin like that..
i meant 20th century..:D
hehe i thght of saying that...
seri edhukunu vitutaen :P
my first brush with che was a couple of years ago when vaiko mentioned his name( if i am right, compared himself with Che) .. i thought he was crapping as usual and then realized che was larger than life.. heard he died young ..probably che's killing was a consolation to the yankies after their james Bond like tricks to finsih off fidel castro bombed..
and ya, as sandy said, he does look like a rock star .. shd try downloading the movie.. keep posting on good off beat movies da..
btw , wat does the title mean?latin???
nope spanish for - the motorcycle dairies
not seen the mov but heard a lot ...read a bit..got a friend who collects a lot of che stuff....yeah..socialism never works eternally...it was a grt idea suited to a particular time...to make the idea work..changes r need.."neo socialism" that i keep talking about..:D
Thats the whole thing that our forefathers had so much foresight in writing the constitution and after 40 years of "progressive" congress governments all that can be seen happening in twisting of wht the constitution is for each ones own mandeta rather than economic growth in mind
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